Three trends facing police chiefs in 2023

Kate Eazer

April 13, 2023

Modern public safety agencies exist in complex operating environments and the stakes — keeping people, officers, and communities safe — have never been higher.

Read more about the three trends facing police chiefs in 2023 in the California Police Chiefs Association's Spotlight Digital Magazine, here.

About Lenny Nerbetski

Currently serving as Senior Law Enforcement Advisor, Captain Lenny Nerbetski (ret.) has approximately 29 years sworn law enforcement experience with the New Jersey State Police and the Albuquerque Police Department, primarily in investigations, intelligence and analysis. During his law enforcement career, Captain Nerbetski served for several years on the FBI Newark Joint Terrorism Task Force, as the Executive Officer of the New Jersey Regional Operations Intelligence Center and Commander of the Albuquerque Police Department Real Time Crime Center.

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